In the name of God, Amen. I John Ladd of the County of Henrico, being
sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect Memory praysed be God for it,
and calling to minde the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time and
houre thereof, doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme
following revoking and disannulling all former will or wills heretofore by me
made either by word or writing, and this to be for and is my last will and
testament and noe other, and now as touching that small estate it hath pleased
God to bestow upon me, I doe order, give and depose of the same in manner and
forme following: Imprimis, I give unto
my sonne Amos Ladd, that parcell of land of mine joining upon Cleytons being
(per) estimation one hundred and fifty acres which is my part of the land which
was taken up (per) Tho. Lygon, Solomon Knibb, John Woodfin Sen'r, and myself,
one hundred and twenty five acres of sd land my minde and will is my sonne
should have, when at age, the other twenty five acres I give to my daughter
Elizabeth during her natural life, she beginning upon the west side of the land
for her sd twenty five acres, she to have the benefit of the whold dividend of
timber to build with upon her said land.
Item I give and bequeth unto Elizabeth Ladd a
parcell of hoggs which are on the other said of the creek beign six old ones
and two shootes as allsoe my horse ball, and one iron pott, three spoones and
one dish, which pott and dish her mother thinks fitt, which said things my
minde and will is should be delivered to her within one month after my decease,
as allsoe I give unto my said doughter thirty pounds of feathers and one
blanket, and is allsoe to be delivered to her with the rest.
Item I give and bequeth unto my loving wife Mary
Ladd the plantation I now live on during her natural life, and after her
decease to the child she now goes with if a sonne, but if not, then to Sarah
Ladd and Mary . . . to be equally divided between them, Allsoe I give devise
and bequeath unto my sead wife one feather bed with rugg and blankett and paire
of sheetes and curtaines and vallins.
Item I give and bequeath unto sonne Amos one
feather bed with rugg and Blankett and paire of sheetes, the bedd being
ticking, as allsoe my great chests and six pewter plates and six spoons and two
gunns, one fowling piece and one Muskett, and All my carpenters tooles, except
one adze, allsoe one large iron pott about 8 Gallons, and one brasse skillett
frame about two Gallons, one pewter dish and saucer, and my mare and colt she
now hath, with all her increase which shall hereafter ensue as allsoe one
heifer called cherrye, and one steere called hart about three years old.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah
Ladd one cow called Damsell, one browne yearling cow calf as allsoe a feather
bedd not full one blankett and one old rugg, and one iron pott, and one pewter
dish, and one pewter plate.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Racell
Ladd two yearling cow calves, one pewter dish and plate and three young sowes
and one brasse skillett.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter
Elizabeth one cow called Browninge.
Item I give unto the child my wife now goes with
one long gunn, two steeres, one two years old, and the other one. Item I give unto my sonne Amos Ladd one oxe
chain and hooks and staples for three yoakes.
Item I give unto my daughter Eliz. one small
couch, and to my daughter Sarah one large chest, and one sowe.
Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Amos one
young sowe, the rest and residue of my estate except one young horse running in
Curles. Item I give and bequeath unto
my loving wife Mary, whom I make my whole and sole executrix of this my last
will and testament desiring her truely to performe the same, as I hope she will. In witness whereof I have set my hand and
seal this 10th of 6th month 1679.
My minde and will is that my sonne Amos should
tarry with my wife while seventeen years of age and then he to have benefit of
his own labor and my daughters she to have oversight and tuition of them while
eighteen or marryed.
John Ladd ) red wax
This within written was owned (per) Jno. Ladd to
be his last will and testament in the presents of John Pleasants, Benj.
Travers, Robert Clerk, Tho. W. Wooles (his mark), Will Porter, John E. Gunter
(his mark), Jane Pleasants, Matas S. Newbough (her mark)
This will above written was brought in Court by
the hands of Mr. John Pleasants, one of the witnesses to the same, who being a
Quaker - refused to swear thereto, but did only affirme that it was ye last
will and Testament of the said John Ladd.
Teste: Hugh Davis Dep Cler and recorded this
second day of August 1680.
Hugh Davis Dep Cler
He died
in 1680 in Henrico Co., VA.1,1,1 Will
signed by John Ladd 10 Jun 1679. John was in ill health at the time. Recorded
by the Court of Henrico County 2 Aug 1680. Presented to the Court by John Pleasants, one of the witnesses.